Evaluating School Health

We offer different assessment processes to mold to your school’s needs and mission

Sample Review and Collaboration Options

School Health Review

Elevate’s most comprehensive interdisciplinary review deeply delves into ten priority areas of your school’s health.

Overseen by a collaborative and interdisciplinary team, Eleavte identifies key gaps and priority risks to well-being.

This confidential process will help empower your school with a clear understanding of where to grow.

*We also provide support system audits and retrospective case reviews to identify risks and scenarios that may have contributed to certain academic or behavioral outcomes.

  • The availability and effectiveness of support services for students, including counseling, tutoring, and special education

  • The physical, emotional, and mental health of faculty and staff, including access to resources and support.

  • The availability and quality of healthcare and medical services for students and staff, including preventative care and emergency response.

  • The health curriculum, including physical education, nutrition, and social-emotional learning, and its effectiveness in promoting healthy behaviors and well-being.

  • The availability and effectiveness of academic and personal guidance for students.

  • The availability and quality of healthy food options, and the promotion of healthy eating habits.

  • A review of the school's crisis response plan, including its effectiveness in addressing emergencies and supporting the wellbeing of students and staff.

  • Includes participation in school activities, and the promotion of a positive school culture.

  • Staffing levels and professional development needs, including the availability of training and support for faculty and staff.

  • An evaluation of the school's efforts to promote equity, inclusion, and belonging, including the availability of resources and support for diverse populations.

Focused “Impact” Review

Hone in on up to three specific priority areas of a school. Elevate is here to illuminate potential risks and bring expert perspectives to help, whether in professional development, crisis response, or somewhere in the middle.

*We also provide support system audits and retrospective case reviews to identify risks and scenarios that may have contributed to certain academic or behavioral outcomes.