Our reviews are the starting line

We offer a number of additional services to meet your implementation, integration, data analysis, crisis, workshop, or professional development needs.


Our comprehensive suite of professional health consulting services is designed to nurture the school community by addressing the needs of students, teachers, administrators, and parents, whether they are facing crises or simply navigating the challenges of daily life.

By partnering with Elevate, schools invest in a future where every student can succeed academically and flourish personally. Together, we can build resilient school communities where everyone’s health is a priority.

Multicultural, LGBTQ+, and neurodiversity support and training

Professional Development

Training and education for administrators, faculty, and families.

Rekindling joy of teaching and learning

One-to-one coaching

Evidence-based parent education on various health topics (in-person & remote)

MTSS excellence and support service equity

Building community-wide understanding of mental health

Crisis Response

Custom solutions, including evidence-based recommendations aimed to reduce toxic stress, burnout, resetting cultural norms, case review of sexual abuse, and self-harm, and violence or risk events

Supporting response to crisis events

Assisting crisis teams

Repairing trust through objective assessment

Engaging post-crisis community healing and restoration

Health services restructuring

Coordination of Programs and Services

Consulting services that coordinate teams, conduct research, develop policies, integrate technologies, create workflows, and develop curricula that improve the efficacy and efficiency of a school’s overall health mission.