Miguel Marshall, Ed.D.

Dr. Miguel Marshall is an expert in developing and implementing innovative health and wellness strategies within educational environments, with a particular focus on K-12 independent schools.

With over 20 years of experience in project planning, execution, and implementation, Dr. Marshall has pioneered data-driven approaches to school health analysis and communication. His work began with overseeing the development of a small nursery and quickly expanded to managing multi-million dollar renovation projects.

As the founder of Elevate Health Consulting, he has revolutionized school health program development through ethnographic audits, collaborative stakeholder engagement, and consensus-driven processes. Dr. Marshall's expertise spans various leadership roles, including serving as an Associate Head of School and Interim Executive Director of the Independent School Health Association. His work has been instrumental in positioning health and wellness at the forefront of educational priorities, developing trust, and implementing equitable student support systems.

For over 15 years, Dr. Marshall has served as a New York State certified volunteer Emergency Medical Technician, responding to over 500 patients. This experience includes deployments in the FEMA emergency response system and routine responses to medical and psychological emergencies.

A lifelong learner, Dr. Marshall holds a doctorate in Education from Columbia University, certifications in Advanced Project Management from Stanford, and Human Resources from Cornell. He is also an avid rock climber, instructor, and licensed guide.

Dr. Marshall has collaboratively worked across a spectrum of health areas, including behavioral health professional best practices, sexuality education, educator sexual misconduct prevention, student success and health, crisis leadership, mindfulness, and holistic community well-being.

Behavioral health professional best practices;

Sexuality Education;

Educator Sexual Misconduct;

Sexual abuse prevention;

Student success and health;

Crisis leadership and health;

Mindfulness (2016 & 2017) and;

Committing to the whole student and whole community.